Torah University

This is where we help people to understand the Torah.
To understand the Torah is to understand Yeshua.
“The New Testament is hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is revealed in the New” – St Augustine.

the Torah

The true essence of the Torah remains largely misunderstood, or some may not even know what it is. This university was established to educate people as to what the Torah is, guiding them on its path of adherence, and facilitating a deeper understanding of its relevance in a world of so many religious organizations. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that our educational resources are accessible to everyone at a minimal cost. You will be placed in groups that have devout Torah keepers who will be eager to engage you, addressing any inquiries you may have about the Torah and the broader Bible. Please bear with us as we continue to expand our dedicated team to better serve you. Should you wish to delve deeper into understanding the Torah, you will be transitioned to our online university. You will be moved to a separate forum. All are invited, with the sole prerequisite being a reverence for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Click on one of our tabs and join our community that keeps His Torah/ Commandments.


theWay Torah University

At theWay Torah University, we take pride in our committed team of Torah keepers led by Pete Rambo. Pete, a devoted husband to two wives and a loving father of four, brings with him 22 years of experience as a pastor, alongside a diverse background in business and the military. Additionally, Pete is an avid micro-farmer and a steadfast Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!

TruthGospel is an expansive repository of knowledge provided to theWay Torah University. It encompasses diverse content, including discussions about various religions, apologetics, historical documents, and the including of videos that speak to the clarifying of spiritual matters,  among other topics. This wealth of information has been curated since 2003 and continues to grow to the present day


To strike the perfect balance between cost-effectiveness and exceptional Torah instruction, we’ve opted to use Telegram, one of the leading communication platforms. Our long-term goal is to develop our own platform, elevating our capacity to deliver unmatched teaching experiences. Additionally, we utilize Zoom and Google Meet for supplementary online face-to-face meetings, eagerly anticipating these lively discussions.

Finding God's Approval

If we do not study God’s word, how can we be approved by Him? How can a doctor be approved by a medical board to practice, if they have not studied? It is the same with God.  

2Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.